Saturday, November 19, 2011

What's better: Hennessy refrigerated or at room temperature?

I've got a bottle of V.S. in the fridge right now. Is that a bad idea? (First time drinker. I'm stoked.)|||They say room temp, but dropping in an ice cube or two wouldn't hurt|||No No No No No! DONT DO IT! here is how you should drink a good cognac.First, it is necessary to choose a proper wineglass. The specialists of cognac blending recommend a tulip-shaped wineglass, but the low, spherical wineglass will be OK too. Pour into the wineglass and heat in a palm for 8-10 minutes. If you warm up the wineglass in another way, for example by burn-in lighter, all aromatic matters will evaporate. Take the wineglass and 鈥?Look at the surface. The cognac color can tell you much. For example, the light-straw color points to young cognacs, straw-yellow, amber, golden and auburn-red - to older. Always look at the color 鈥?it characterizes the age of cognac.

Then you should smell cognac. Put the nose to the edge of the wineglass and inhale " montant odors". It鈥檚 usually floral or fruit odors: violets, iris, rose, pear, cherry, apricot, plum, fig, quince, grapefruit, jasmine, chestnut, orange zest, nut, or peach. Come off and shake up cognac, now bring the wineglass to the nose again, inhale ...

...Now you are ready to try cognac. Make a small sip. The cognac will pass and make you to estimate all complication and individuality.

There is a great variety of ways how to drink cognac. Cognac is mixed with soda water or tonic.If you want to drink it cold, but mixed here is a recommendation how to.

use cognac VS (Very Special) or VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) for blending; ( Never Use XO (eXtra Old) for blending. Dont waste!)

20 ml of cognac + 50-60 ml of tonic (or soda water) + pieces of ice;

combinations of cognac with citric or orange juice are possible|||Never chill a brandy or cognac. It is supposed to be served in a large glass where the warmth of your hand can release the flavour like other brandys. There are newer ways of drinking it, but you miss the nuances of flavour and it just isn't civilized. If your guests want to slug down something chilled ( we all do from time to time), serve them something cheaper, they won't be able to tell the difference..

Cognac is a regulated type of Brandy made from grapes in the "champagne region" of France (another highly successful French marketing device). It has traditionally been designated. "VS" "VSOP" and "XO", which translated from the french means; ...absolutely nothing at all. These designations were created for the English market and have always meant "Very Special" "Very Special Old Pale" and "eXtra Old". Does knowing that it reaches my liquor store by way of a centuries old marketing campaign that would put NIKE to shame mean I don't buy it? Absolutely not. I really enjoy the stuff, and back when I ran a liquor store and got my booze wholesale it was the main thing I brought home.|||non of the two,

you actually need to worm up the glass before you drink. that way you get all the aroma. if you chill it, you are missing all the smell and taste. if you put ice you my as well drink the cheapest brandy, it doesn't make a difference. you drink cognac to enjoy it its is not a joke drink|||your sposts to drink it room temp but its alright if you perfer closed im a congac drinker ive drinkin the best congac in the world louie 13th and i drank it straight but if im just going to be drinking some henny ill take it on the rocks or room temp matters what im feeling like|||It really preference. I alway drink my cognac on the rock so I don't see why you can't pre-chill it first so it wouldnt melt the ice as fast.|||Room Temperature is what the distillers suggest.

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